
Sabbath City pt 6.

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Jacob and Nadine made their way towards Downtown, making their way through the collapsed streets to get to the police station, the slush-like mud and loose sections of concrete slowing them down some. Using a fallen 18-wheeler as a ramp to get to higher ground, the cold metal stinging their paws as they descended upwards, trying not to slip off to the sides.

" Good thing this monster is sleeping or else we would be in big trouble! " Nadine quiped.

" I know...Let's hope it doesn't wake up while we're crossing it's back. " Jacob told her. they jumped off the truck's trailer once they got to the other side of the trench, continuing on their way.

Reading the street signs in search of Vegas and Rodeo street, and the big pointed building Wolfsbane described, Jacob looked up at the buildings and spotted a dark gray building with a red pyramid and an antenna on top, he and Nadine turned right down towards it.

" What do you think we'll encounter there? Booby traps? * Hrmmph * More robots? " Nadine groaned at the last one remembering the time at Techtron Electronics.

" It's possible, We can't be too sure...Maybe Helen's there just waiting for us. " Jacob guessed, knowing very well of the android's sneaky tactics.

" You just want to slam that robo-booty, huh? " Nadine teased, laughing at Jacob's disgusted reaction.

" I prefer my pussy flesh and blood, thank you very much! " He defended himself.

Nadine smirked, closed her eyes and raised her tail, presenting herself to her friend. " Wanna put that defense to the test? This heat's awfully hard on a girl..." She opened her eyes and saw that Jacob wasn't there, She then looked forwards to see that he was walking ahead of her.

" Let's keep moving, shall we? " He reminded her of their quest.

" Fine...fine fine fine. " Nadine muttered to herself. " ~ Hey wolf moon, ...come cast your spell on me~"

They came upon another roundabout to Brigade and Samaritan street, with a clinic, fire station and the police station within a few miles from each other.

The building on had a large metal sign reading : City of Sabbath, Raccoon County Moose Drive Precinct 34. written on it with three rusting patrol cars sitting out front.

Popping a trunk on one of them, Jacob rummaged around inside and tossed Nadine some ammunition for her two pistols. " Here, They won't be needing those anymore . "

" I'm guessing these are some kind of apology for snubbing me? " She guessed.

Jacob sighed to himself and jumped out of the trunk to face Nadine, regret written on his face.

" I'm still loyal to Snowflake, there's no changing that, Nadine. But you're not the only one to express interest, Trust me. Even some female Stray's find me attractive. " He chuckled.

" Really, those cracked out scuzz-headed bitches? " Nadine giggled in disbelief.

" Yes, them... but the point is, I want you to know that the feeling's mutual, I don't want to mess up both our friendship and my relationship with Snowflake...more than it already is. " Jacob placed his paw on Nadine's shoulder to console.

" I understand and I'm sorry for intruding, I'll stay out of the way for now on. " She nodded in agreement, even though she was secretly brokenhearted. " It's just the heat messing with my head. "

" I understand Nadine, When we stop to rest, I'll give you some privacy. " Jacob smiled knowingly what he was implying.

Nadine's face instantly turned red as the thought popped into her head.

" I'm sure you would like to watch me go at it! " She joked.

" In support for a friend. " Jacob snickered.

The two friends laughed together to ease the tension and awkwardness away, hugging each other and pulling away.

" Now, let's get in there, Enough wasting the reader's time " Jacob said to an confused Nadine.

" Yeah...okay. " she said, following her friend to the front door to the police station, stopping when Jacob held out his paw for her to wait, disarming a tripwire on the door and pushing it open.

The inside, like any other building that's been abandoned for years, was a complete mess, the second floor above was close to collapsing as water leaked onto the first floor.

Papers were scattered around toppled over filing cabinets and electrical wires sparked as they hung from the ceiling, computers still present on their desks along with skeletons of police officers slumped in their chairs.

" What do you think happened to them? " Nadine asked Jacob, who pointed to the bullet riddled scene and an skeleton behind them, still clutching an assault rifle in it's hands.

" By the looks of it, that guy behind us shot those guys dead before someone finally put him down. Bastard deserved it in my opinion. " He told her, feeling sorry for the officers.

" Hit's close to home, doesn't it? " Nadine guessed, noticing Jacob's sullen face.

" My parents were the reason I joined up with the Blood Eaters, to find the ones responsible, but when I finally did, I just couldn't bring myself to kill them. Something clicked in my head that told me not to...maybe it was my consonance, I don't know for sure. " he explained, tears slowly forming from his eyes.

" Or maybe it was the puppies they had when I found them, small and helpless, like I was. "

" Do you think you've did the right thing? " Nadine asked, purring against Jacob to soothe him.

" They needed their parents, So, I'd like to think so. " He smiled.

" Then your folks would be proud of you, Jacob. Compassion is a rare thing these days." Nadine reasoned, hugging Jacob.

" Thanks, Man. " He thanked, wiping the tears from his eyes. " Now, let's go find the other piece of the riddle. "

Heading past the main cubicles, Jacob and Nadine split up when they came upon two stairwells going up to the second floor and down to the basement.

" Nadine? " He called to her.

" Yeah? " Nadine asked.

" Be careful up there for traps, I'm going down to the basement to see what I could find. " Jacob warned her.

" I will, same to you. " With that, Nadine headed upstairs while Jacob headed downstairs.

The basement was pitch black when Jacob arrived, not noticing a pressure plate hidden at the base of the stairs and stepped on it, triggering a turret to suddenly activate and zero in on his location.

" Oh shit! " He yelped, ducking for cover as the turret rapidly sprayed the area with bullets, cursing himself for not noticing the pressure plate beforehand. " Nice going Jacob, you fucking moron! " He quickly dug into his satchel to pull out some grenades, tossing them at the turret, destroying it.

" I don't need to guess who's been here. " Jacob told himself, coming out of his hiding place and surveying the damage his caused.

He spotted something shimmering by the small amount of light the room had, figuring it was a light switch, He flicked it on and the old ceiling lights slowly illuminated the room, the buzzing slightly annoying him.

" What'd ya find? " Nadine asked suddenly, catching him off guard.

" Gah! don't sneak up on me like that, I nearly got shredded by that turret there! " He berated her.

" Geez, don't get pissy at me, Spazatoid. " Nadine defended herself.

Jacob took a few breathes and shook himself to calm down, his gear clanging as his body moved.

" I'm sorry for jumping on you. " He apologized. " So, did you find anything? "

" Nope, just some random junk on the second floor, you? " Nadine replied.

" Just this damn turret here, Maybe there's something here we could use? " Jacob guessed, sniffing around the room for clues, He saw some S.W.A.T armor laying on the floor and got an idea.

Pulling the vest off, he decided to fasten it around his duster, making sure to take off his satchel first before he did so.

" You'll think you could find one of my size? I'm not thick like Snowflake, ya know! " Nadine asked as she watched Jacob try on the vest, it fitted him nice and snug over his canine muscles, making the cat slightly aroused.

" I'll see what I could find here, you go check for anymore traps that Helen may have set up. " Jacob ordered, sensing that Nadine was checking him out.

" R-right! " Nadine went back upstairs, her face was blushing at the thought of the canine holding her down, growling lowly in her ears as he had his way with her. Remembering their talk from earlier, She shook those thoughts off and chastised herself for still thinking that way.

She noticed an fourth stairway and slowly made her way up it, lest some hidden Stray assassins get the drop on her.

Nadine came upon a room with some cubicles, still neatly standing after 30 years.

Suddenly, she heard some clicking and saw some turrets activating and opening fire in her direction, She quickly dodged them as she ducked in and out of cubicles to avoid the storm of bullets.

Hearing the commotion, Jacob came rushing to her aid, doing his best to avoid the turret fire.

" Hang in there, Nadine. I'm coming! " He shouted to her over the noise.

" I got it all handled here! " Nadine shouted back, shooting the turret from behind cover, making it explode.

Jacob fired his rifle at the turret facing the stairs, destroying it to make it easy on Nadine, who jumped up and over an cubicle wall and on top of a turret trying to shoot her out of the air. She forcibly ripped the wires out, deactivating the turret.

" There, now that that's over. " she dusted off her paws and went back to searching for the next note, looking inside every desk not destroyed in the chaos.

" You alright? " Jacob asked her.

" I'm fine, Jacob. Thanks for the help! " Nadine thanked, giving the dog a peck on the cheek before realizing what she'd done, Quickly rubbing the kiss off of Jacob's cheek.

" Sorry...I didn't mean that. " She sheepishly apologized.

" It's fine, Nadine. It never happened. " Jacob brushed it off and went searching.

" I'll keep my distance for now on. " Nadine told him, feeling guilty over what she'd done.

" If that's what you want...I won't hold it against you. " Jacob understood, he noticed a piece of paper on one of the window blinds, pulling it down, he unfolded it and read it out loud : With order comes prosperity and commence, O. M.

" Does that ring a bell, Nadine? " he asked her after he was done reading.

Thinking it over, Nadine wagged her paw as the thought came to her. " There's the mall on Rabbits Hill, maybe the next one's there? "

Suddenly, Jacob's face filled with dread. " Nadine, that's Wolf-Pack territory, Victor must be either dumb or clever to hide something there! " He explained. " They're extremely territorial, worse than the Strays. "

" What's the difference? " Nadine asked him.

" They'll kill anybody to wanders in their territory, even if you're a pup...Trust me on this. " Jacob warned her.

" Mind explaining to me? " Nadine questioned Jacob, who dreaded the question and the memories that resurfaced.

" Okay, when I was a pup, Me and my folks took shelter from this bad rainstorm outside, we didn't realize it at the time that someone else had gotten the same idea.

I found that out when I was playing with a ball I had found, it slipped from my paws and bounced into the food court and I followed it and a wolf attacked me when I got to it. After that, I saw it was the Alpha male of the pack, He was a mean son of a bitch who almost smashed my head in. " Jacob told her.

" Then what happened? " Nadine asked.

" My parents found me in time, asking him to spare me. the wolf warned them if we'd ever came around again, He won't be so merciful. Ever since then, I've stayed away. " Jacob finished his story.

" Maybe he's forgotten you by now. You'll never know. " Nadine dismissed.

" I wouldn't count on it, He may still have a good memory after all this time. If that's the risk to save Snowflake, I'll take it. " Jacob sighed reluctantly, he then dug into his satchel and pulled something out of it. " I've found this when you went upstairs, It belonged to a Madame Carrots going by the nametag. Maybe it'll fit ya, Try it on "

It was an armored police vest fitted for an rabbit, it had shoulder pads and a security helmet decorated with tiny carrots on the sides, it looked absolutely adorable on the black cat.

" It fits, Not a huge fan of the helmet, but it fits at least. " Nadine complemented, stretching herself to try to get used to the armor on her petite body.

" So, do you like it? " Jacob asked her, worried that she wouldn't like it.

Nadine adjusted her holsters over the armor, complimenting the look just right. she played with the visor on the helmet and walked around the room to test the armor out.

She stopped infront of Jacob and turned around and flicked his nose with her tail, wiggling her rear in his face.

" Is that an " Yes? " He asked her, ignoring her teasing.

" Yeah, it's an Yes, Thanks Jacob. " Nadine thanked him by fist pounding.

" Good, now let's head to the mall. " Jacob and Nadine made their way out of the police station and headed to Rabbits Hill to retrieve the next note.
Sabbath City, 2011-present. Me.
© 2017 - 2024 JohnDavidbiehl
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